
Why Do We Need Carbohydrates?


16 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
We need carbohydrates to make glucose, which is blood sugar. This is the main source of energy that cells use to function. There are simple carbohydrates like sugar and candy, and there are complex carbohydrates like vegetables and whole grains. When foods are processed they have less of the complex or healthy carbs, and more simple sugars in them.

The easier it is for the body to get at the sugars the faster it enters the blood stream and the faster insulin spikes in the body to deal with the sugar called glucose. Then the glucose level in your blood drops very quickly, which makes you feel hungry again in the form of cravings. This starts the cycle of eating too often and too much. More glucose than is needed for the cells to function and use up means that it gets stored and becomes fat.

Carbohydrates are our main source of energy. Most health bodies recommend that they should make up almost 50% of our diet. Athletes the day before a race traditionally eat a high- carbohydrate meal

The main sources of carbs are grains: These include wheat (bread and pasta), rice and cereal. Potatoes are another major source. Complex carbohydrates are the main types; these consist of glycogen (from glucose: Very high in energy), starch and fiber. Unrefined carbs (from brown bread, rice, pasta etc) are especially healthy because they contain more fiber, which allows us to break down waste more efficiently

It is quite noticeable, if you have a high-fibre cereal and wholemean toast for breakfast one day, and ordinary low-fibre cereal and white toast the next, you will feel much hungrier by lunchtime on the second day!
Katie Harry Profile
Katie Harry answered
Actually, everybody needs carbohydrates. They are our major energy source. It is just that the requirements may vary a little between the different stages of a person's life. Children and teenagers need more of it because they need energy to allow their bodies to grow and develop. Old people need less because their metabolism is slower and their physical activity may be reduced.
So, children need more carbohydrates because they need more energy for growth and development. Also, children are mostly quite active and thus burn a lot of energy. This energy may be regained by them by eating carbohydrates. It is imperative that the carbohydrate come from good natural sources like fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Simple carbohydrates like sugar and refined flour should be limited (you must have heard of obesity and sugar-high; watch out for simple carbohydrates!).
Some good sources are:
Potatoes, Whole grain bread, pasta, rice, yams, cassavas and honey.

However, children do not only need carbohydrates to be healthy. In fact, they need a healthy balance of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals to have optimal health.
Tara Bigsby Profile
Tara Bigsby answered
James Lee Profile
James Lee answered
We don't need carbs, they are mostly unhealthy (except for fiber, and foods with other nutrients like low starch veges and low fructose, or low amounts of fruit). The only carb your body likes is glucose, anything else whether fat, protein, carb or sucrose will simply be converted to glucose (and then if youve an excess, it will be stored as fat, then reconverted as needed)High carb foods are associated with heart disease, obesity and diabetes. Then again, its hard to have a balanced diet without some level of carbs unless you eat many animals, and many different parts of those animals, which is impractical for most people, and perhaps less palatable too.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
We don't. The traditional Eskimos proved that by eating nothing but fish and any blubber they could find. These are extremely healthy, hardy people. Veggies are the healthiest carbohydrates and we should eat them because they are packed with wonderful nutrients and low on sugars.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
To provide us with energy for physical activity.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Because we need a balanced diet- i.e. The right amount of everything.  Carbs. Give us energy, and without energy we wouldn't really be able to do much
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
We don't need carbohydrates to live its not like vitamins and minerals . But they are your main source of energy and they help to insulate your body. If you don't eat foods that contain carbohydrates your body can use your body fat for energy but it is a long and hard process.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
We don't need carbs at all. Eat high carbs meals only only if you want to get sugar or BP later.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ is the best letter

and btw you are all idiots we need cabs to live

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