
How Long Are Hard Boiled Eggs Safe To Eat Left Out At Room Tempture?


13 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Unfortunately, I think that kiwibros answer is ridiculous! I grew up eating colored Easter eggs that had been dyed during the afternoon before Easter and left out on the table all and then left out all night (for the Easter bunny to hide). None of my siblings or my parents ever got sick from eating those eggs. 40 years later - my children and I decorate the eggs the afternoon before Easter and then refrigerate the eggs. But, my husband and I get up about 30 minutes before the children and hid the eggs. I leave them out while I make the remainder of what will be breakfast and then we enjoy! I wouldn't worry about leaving the eggs out for several hours. If you have a refrigerator, it doesn't hurt to refrigerate - but, I'm willing to bet that there are hundreds of thousands of people who have eaten eggs that were left out for hours and are just fine.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Kiwibros is much closer to correct, than the other answerer. Eggs should not be left out at room temperature for very long. They may be OK after an hour or two, but there's really no way to tell, and they can become a health issue very quickly. Eggs need to be kept in cold conditions to remain safe to eat, for any real amount of time.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I boil eggs every night, turn off the pot, and leave them in it. I eat them the next morning and never get sick.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Eggs can be left out a long time at normal temperatures.. Boiled eggs unless cracked would certainly be ok overnight
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
We just had a refrigerator go bad while my hard boiled eggs were in there. Since they were refrigerated, and then room temp, do you think they are safe?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I would suggest overnight and then that is it, because if you leave it out any longer bacteria will effect the egg. Then you are eating bacteria and not the good bacteria.
Wayne LaFluer Profile
Wayne LaFluer answered
Fact from examples< 42 Easters, of them I have spent about 39 of those years, growing up on a farm... We hard boiled fresh eggs, colored them and left them displayed, at room temp, on the kitchen table for about 3-4 days until they were gone.
I know the gov. Recites the general food storage rule of "two hours" outside the fridge... And that's seems to be a safe bet overall.
My girlfriend grew up in the city and places them quickly in the fridge after coloring them, and she doesn't understand how we ate them at room temp for day's... So I wisely agree that she should store them in the fridge, lol.
What we did as kids... That is not important, safe eggs for her to eat and enjoy, that's important.
I am onl attesting to what an entire farm family has and still does regarding hard boiled colored eggs displayed and eaten with a bit of salt at room temp for days.
Steven Petillo Profile
Steven Petillo answered
Never eat Easter eggs that have been out of the refrigerator for more than two hours. Also if you are going to eat them, make sure you do not hide them around places where animals deficate or any type of fertilizers. Eggs are very poreous and bacteria can seep in very easily.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am actually curious if they eggs are good to eat hard boiled if they have been sitting out for 2 days. Sunday was easter and it is tuesday now.. My mom has decided to eat the eggs.. She won't listen to me
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Not very long. If I were you I would not even leave them out. I would find the nearest fridge! Even if you only leave it out for 1 hour you still might have health problems. I would go on the safe side and not even leave them out!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You shouldn't eat it after approx. 2 hours. You don't want to risk getting salmonella.

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