This was totally fun for me to answer!Roman meals were great big feasts but they were also simple. The funnest part of preparing one will be making the food into bite sized pieces like the romans did!They ate all there mini pieced food with their fingers but spoons were used when needed. Roman dinner consists of legume soup,dried fruits (or fresh),cheese,bread,and meat. (ThE meat and bread comes on later in the meal.And remember everything is BITE SIZED!!!!).Here are some dishes Romans made on a link you can click on to find the roman names and recipes(YOUR going to LOVE THIS) (click on one of the choices on the side of the webpage where it says recipes.) the room where you will have this meal could be designed to fit the part. Romans dined around a table but seated on couches or stools! There should be flowers arranged on the table.Here are some flowers that were grown in Roman gardens:roses, narcissi, oleanders, violets, crocus, narcissus, lily, gladioli, iris, poppy, amaranth and wildflowers in general. Ivy, acanthus, myrtle, box and yew.Find these and you'll arrange the table perfectly!Hope this helped and I really hope you have fun with your roman dinner!