
Will A Banana Spoil Faster In The Fridge Or On The Counter?


18 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Bananas will last much longer in the fridge than on the counter.

The trick is to first let the banana ripen some, before sticking it in the fridge. Once the banana is in the fridge it will take much longer to ripen.

The only difference of putting it in the fridge is that it will turn black quickly, but this is only on the surface. The banana will still keep its freshness underneath.


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Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

l think it will rot faster in the fridge.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think maybe the fridge, unless the kitchen is very very warm. Do like I do and buy some yellow bananas and also buy some green (unripe) ones. By the time you are finished with the yellow ones the green ones will have turned yellow!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My answer is it will mold faster in the fridge than on the counter because I had already tried it from my little sisters science project
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Banana in the fridge turned brown but in the inside it was good ones on counter were pretty bad

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