
Is Infrared Cooking Safe For My Health?


10 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes, Infared cooking is safe for your health. All types of cooking can cause burns, and of course the foods you choose to cook will determine whether or not a meal is healthy,  That said, the word "infrared" is being used in two different ways. Infrared is the wave spectrum between visible and microwave, so any heat that you can feel but not see (including the hot air on a sunny day) is infrared. Infrared cooking refers to cooking by transfering heat to the food being cooked directly through the air molecules separating the heating element to the food. It it one of three ways of  conventional cooking :conduction, like frying (heat transfers from hot metal), convention, like baking or boiling  (the air or water around the food is heated first,then transfers the heat to the food), and infrared, like the infared grills or the common household toaster or broiler (cooks by directing the excited molecules directly at the food).  Toasters and broilers use very high temperatures to create heat (infrared energy) which cooks the food. The new infrared cookers and grills work the same way, but the new technology makes it more efficient than toasters and broilers are. Since infrared cookers and grills generate higher temperatures than other cooking methods, it is important to follow all safety practices. 
Infrared cooking is not new. The only health issues involved with the new technology is increased danger of burns due to high temperatures and any danger associated with eating burned food (since food cooks quicker it must be watched carefully).
Aisha Profile
Aisha answered
The Infrared cooking is not harmful in any way. It has been tested in Japan and Sweden and the research has found that it is free of toxic electromagnetic fields and is not dangerous.
thanked the writer.
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Anonymous commented
Hmmm... I wonder who "boris" works for? Check this link
The BBC discusses this topic in depth and offers additional sites to further investigate...
Electromagnetic energy includes even gamma rays and x-rays.(X-Ray Techs don't shield you and avoid scanning pregnant women for nothing.) Oncology uses radiation(ionic energy) to kill certain carcinomas, because it is one of the few things that can. The risk of exposing a patient must outweigh the risk of leaving the malignancy untreated.
Dr. Lita Lee of Hawaii reported in the December 9, 1989 Lancet: "Microwaving baby formulas converted certain trans-amino acids into their synthetic cis-isomers. Synthetic isomers, whether cis-amino acids or trans-fatty acids, are not biologically active. Further, one of the amino acids, L-proline, was converted to its d-isomer, which is known to be neurotoxic (poisonous to the nervous system) and nephrotoxic (poisonous to the kidneys). It's bad enough that many babies are not nursed, but now they are given fake milk (baby formula) made even more toxic via microwaving."

In Comparative Study of Food Prepared Conventionally and in the Microwave Oven, published by Raum & Zelt in 1992, at 3(2): 43, it states "A basic hypothesis of natural medicine states that the introduction into the human body of molecules and energies, to which it is not accustomed, is much more likely to cause harm than good. Artificially produced microwaves, including those in ovens, are produced from alternating current and force a billion or more polarity reversals per second in every food molecule they hit. Production of unnatural molecules is inevitable. Naturally occurring amino acids have been observed to undergo isomeric changes (changes in shape morphing) as well as transformation into toxic forms, under the impact of microwaves produced in ovens.
One short-term study found significant and disturbing changes in the blood of individuals consuming microwaved milk and vegetables. Eight volunteers ate various combinations of the same foods cooked different ways. All foods that were processed through the microwave ovens caused changes in the blood of the volunteers. Hemoglobin levels decreased and over all white cell levels and cholesterol levels increased. Lymphocytes decreased. Shall I go on??...

MANY scientific research articles have been published citing these concerns and worse. Are there toxic electromagnetic energy fields??can they possibly be Deadly??? I am shocked anyone would dispute this. Unless they are involved in the manufacture or selling of microwave ovens, maybe ;)
Anonymous commented
Has there been any research on the possible dangers or side affects of infrared cooking ovens? I can see that infrared ovens are safer than microwave ovens. But, I want to know if there are any dangers at all, with infrared cooking ovens.
Anonymous commented
You seem to be very sure of your answer about infrared cooking not being harmful in any way. When asked by Boris to quote the studies, others looped this question together into whether or not microwave ovens were safe or not. I'm only interested in the answer about infrared cooking. Since your answer was given 2 years ago, there must be some current study information about whether or not infrared cooking is safe.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The truth is after the Germans found out the microwave reduced nutrients in vegetables 40 to 60% and turned red meat into a toxic carcinogen they never used them.  After the war Russia and the U.S.A. Divided up the spoils.  One of them being microwave ovens. They made them 500 watts so it would be safe.  Today they are 1100 to 1500 watts.          The REAL PROBLEM is that you get cancer of the small intestine from long term use. If you try to get better you can't get any real help from food because the small intestine too sick.                                                                                                          Hope this helps.                                                                                                        Good luck, Gary
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Microwave cooking is not safe.  You are not going to die from using it once or twice of course which is why no one pays attention but as the buildup of toxins and chemicals occurs in your intestines from using the microwave on a daily basis over years - you highly increase your chance of some trouble. By exposing the molecules of the food to such high energy radiation in such a quick time period, microwaves cause chemical mutation in the structure of the cells - and you eat this.  As far as cooking is concerned- raw is always healthiest, followed by lightly steamed, then all other methods basically destroy the structure of the food.  So I would say infrared is def safer than a microwave as the rays are closer to standard heat and not as intense as a microwave, but I don't know this for sure. Only time will tell.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes far infrared cooking is safe and also more healthier for you than microwave cooking -- I ditched my microwave years ago . I've also researched far infrared cooking and various other appliances on the internet and come up with a lot of interesting . Check out this site . I also researched infrared convection cookers and settled on a sunpenten cooker oven because I can buy replacement parts for it if any part of it breaks down as apposed to a different cooker / oven that you would have to junk and throw out if it quit working . You can also get a complete infrared oven -- they are more pricier though but I am sure worth it. I hope this helps you out some ( vegan / raw and loving it )
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I believe that the original question had to do with the safety of infrared cooking.  If anyone has valid information specific to just this topic, it would be appreciated.
Bob Sacamano Profile
Bob Sacamano answered
Don't use microwave or infrared, live simpler, live advice you will get on this blog!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ah, when you say Germans, you understand the test they did in the 30's and 40's where the world got this secret, Microwave's.   Yea Nazi's they always told the truth.  Microwaves, yea you get more electro magnetic radiation from sitting in front of your computer than eating foods from your microwave. Hey Einsteins once it’s out of your microwave there no more radiation.  As far as inferred cooking, yes it’s safe as safe as any cooked coming from your over.  It’s what you eat and how you cook it.   Case in point take a nice fresh piece of organic zucchini, and fry it in vegetable oil and guess what you just made it unhealthy…
If wasting energy makes cooking safe then infrared is certainly safer than microwaves.  When you convert fuel to heat and from heat to electricity and then convert electricity back to heat you have wasted several times as much energy as if you had just used a gas stove in the first place.

There are two types of people who "know" that microwave ovens (and electromagnetic fields for that matter) are unsafe: 1) people who fear what they don't understand and 2) people who have something to gain - like those who sell infrared ovens.

There is no need to take my word for this, the World Health Organization website discusses the safety of microwave ovens on their web site:

It is interesting to note some of their advice: "temperature-sensitive tissue like the testes, have a higher risk of heat damage".  I guess you know what not to put in the oven if you want to be safe.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
The microwave oven was invented by the Germans. During this time they also conducted studies on the effects of the microwave on the food and the people eating that food. They concluded that the food was harmful to the health of the people. There are other studies to show this also. This is why the microwaves are not used by the mass of people in other countries. They are way ahead of the United States when it comes to the health of the people. We are a mess on the other hand. People are dying at younger ages because of our lack of health related knowledge.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1wanora is right, and the people who don't know whats going on in the world will suffer. Your ignorance will be the end of you and your families. A subject like this is far to important to ignore.

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