
Why Do We Eat Healthy Food?


41 Answers

Simon Lazarus Profile
Simon Lazarus answered
There are many reasons why we ought to eat healthy food. The main reason is so our cells can absorb the nutrients they need to carry out their functions. Vitamin C, which is found in several types of fruit and vegetables, is needed for a strong immune system, cell regrowth and resiliency, for eliminating free-radicals. Protein, found in animal products and legumes, is needed for energy and muscle regrowth. Vitamin A, found certain fruits and vegetables, is needed for cell regeneration. B vitamins, found in legumes and certain fruits, are responsible for regulating metabolism and the nervous system. Vitamin D, found in certain fish and eggs, is responsible for calcium absorption. These are just a few examples of nutrients you get from your diet. If you do not eat foods that contain these nutrients, you are at risk of having a deficiency. Vitamin deficiencies lead to serious health problems such as severe joint pain, digestion problems, rickets, scurvy, osteoporosis, cancer, and heart disease.

The other major reason we need to eat healthy foods is to maintain a healthy weight. Processed foods, such as fast food or pre-packaged food, lack nutrients. Processed food does not provide the amount of nutrients that healthy food contains. It is more difficult for a person to feel full after eating processed food. This leads to overeating and poor nutrition. If a person continually eats nothing but processed food, they could easily develop a nutrient deficiency. Fast food and manufactured food is created with ingredients that have nutrients taken out. For example, if the whole part of a wheat kernel is used in a recipe, it will contain a high amount of fibre. Processed food is normally created with wheat without the parts that contain fibre. Nutrients that would normally exist in the ingredients are literally depleted when processed food and fast food is made.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Because if we don't eat healthy foods we won't grow or have strong bones and you won't be able to play a lot if you are a child because you won't have any energy for it and if you eat healthy foods you live longer than other people who eat non-healthy things because they might get a disease and not live as long.
Aisha Profile
Aisha answered
Healthy food should be our basic food requirement. The junk food on the other hand has a lot of diseases attached to it, such as heart and liver diseases. To be on the safer side and to live a longer life, we eat healthy food.
Ashley Johnson Profile
Ashley Johnson answered
Today we tend to go for processed foods which are not healthy for us. Healthy organic foods like fruits. But eating healthy foods should not be a huge burden to our pockets. You can find a lot of organic healthy food without spending more than what you usually spend with processed ones.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
We should eat healthy because it will keep our body functioning and ower bodies growing. A  healthy diet should be a suggestion for every one because with out a healthy body you can not function properly.
tracy jackman Profile
tracy jackman answered
We need healthy foods because it gives us plenty of nutrition and let us stay fit and strong. It contains carbohydrates, fiber, fat, protein, minerals, vitamins, calcium, and water. It provides the energy to the parts of your body especially to the cells. If you eat healthy foods it will prevent you from getting health problems and keep your body on working.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
We should eat healthy because  eating  healthy gives you a stronger body .
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
We eat healthy food so that our bodies can stay in great shape and also we can do exercise to lose more weight
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Because that you can lose weight and you are not going to get fat or you might not get as many sicknesses.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
So we can become strong and big instaead of weak and small so stop eating junk food like chocolate and take away foods and eat salads and maybe do some excesise 3 times a week that would keep youu iin shapee
Hannah Bambu Profile
Hannah Bambu answered
You need the protein and the vitamins in the healthy food to keep your body working
Hope this helps!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
We need ro eat healthy food so that our bodies stay strong every day. So that we don't become obese by eating all the wrong foods.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
To get fit and have strong bones. Also carbohydrates give you energy

An apple every day
keeps the doctor away

  done by:juhaina al-lanjawi
  aged 9 grade 5 doha Qatar
Edward  Anderson Profile
Edward Anderson answered

I eat healthy because I want to be able to do the most that my body can do, and I also want to honor the gift God has given me.  Eating healthy for me is drinking my quota of water for the day and juicing spinach, broccoli, bell peppers, tomatoes, carrots and sometimes cabbage because chewing vegetables is hard for me to do. 

nettie Profile
nettie answered
To help the body stay fit and organs of the body doing the job they are suppose to do and to keep your immune system performing in tip top shape......the best to you
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
To have energy all day long,
to maintain a healthy weight,
to reach your 5 portions of 5 a day,
to stay strong,
to get all the vitamins and minerals you need
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well and because you need proteins to move and have the power to carry the weight that you are having to walk
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
We don't have to eat healthy foods all the time, otherwise that would be unhealthy. We need a balanced diet from all food groups e.g. Protien, carbohydrates and starchy foods. Otherwise we would become unfit, unhappy, sleepy, unwell, and most importantly fat!
Winter Profile
Winter answered
We eat healthy foods to keep our bodies strong and defend them from disease, they also help enhance our knowledge and senses. And when you are about to write or type or play something would you eat or drink something loaded with sugar or salt to strengthen your body? Read more medical books.(no offense).
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You've heard the expression, "you are what you eat".  We eat  healthy foods in order to have healthy bodies and lives.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Because they will get un fit and will get fatter and fatter and fatter

pleasure I could help
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
First of all eat Cupcakes 100 times a day when you reach 5 months eating cupcakes
ull be better and ull be a super model so follow my tips and check my website

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