It is impossible to put a number on the different types of food that there are available in the world. The food sources that are available naturally are only a start to the other types of foods that can be created by combining and modifying them. The best way to classify the types of food that can be found are by their natural source; either from plants or from animals.
There are many plants and plant parts that can be eaten as food. Across the world there are approximately 2,000 plant species that are cultivated by humans for food. Vegetables are some of the most common types of plant matter that eaten as food. This will include root vegetables (such as potatoes and onions), leaf vegetables (lettuce and spinach), stem vegetables (asparagus and bamboo shoots) and inflorescence vegetables (broccoli and cauliflower). Fruits are a significant part of the human diet and are a natural plant food source. They are the ripened ovaries of plants and have evolved to contain seeds that will be eaten by animals and excreted elsewhere. There is some debate over the classification of some fruits, such as tomatoes and pumpkins, as they are most commonly eaten as vegetables. Seeds are also a plant part that are available to humans and animals as a food source. As they contain the nutrients necessary for plants to grow they are a good source of healthy fats.
While plants play an important role in human food consumption, animals are also used as a source of food. Animals can be used as food either directly or indirectly via the products that they produce. For example, a cow can be used as a food source directly by eating its meat, while the milk it produces is an indirect food source from the animal. Indirect animal food sources can also include eggs laid by birds and honey produced by bees.
There are many plants and plant parts that can be eaten as food. Across the world there are approximately 2,000 plant species that are cultivated by humans for food. Vegetables are some of the most common types of plant matter that eaten as food. This will include root vegetables (such as potatoes and onions), leaf vegetables (lettuce and spinach), stem vegetables (asparagus and bamboo shoots) and inflorescence vegetables (broccoli and cauliflower). Fruits are a significant part of the human diet and are a natural plant food source. They are the ripened ovaries of plants and have evolved to contain seeds that will be eaten by animals and excreted elsewhere. There is some debate over the classification of some fruits, such as tomatoes and pumpkins, as they are most commonly eaten as vegetables. Seeds are also a plant part that are available to humans and animals as a food source. As they contain the nutrients necessary for plants to grow they are a good source of healthy fats.
While plants play an important role in human food consumption, animals are also used as a source of food. Animals can be used as food either directly or indirectly via the products that they produce. For example, a cow can be used as a food source directly by eating its meat, while the milk it produces is an indirect food source from the animal. Indirect animal food sources can also include eggs laid by birds and honey produced by bees.