McDonald's coffee does not carry the name of any other brand. It is McDonald's own brand of coffee. It is sourced
Gavina supplies McD's with their signature brand coffee. If you go to your local supermarket, it's actually sold under the Don Francisco brand. You'll find that this brand is very similar to the McDonald's brand. Enjoy
I wish they would sell it. I enjoy it more than Starbucks - smooooth.
There is no brand. Like, is it Maxwell House? No. McDonalds buys their coffee wholesale by the ton direct from growers. It is processed for them by processing plants which they also pay for and then distributed in their network. Same with their beef. Did you know that Mickey D's is the number one buyer of beef in this country? And, like coffee, it isn't a specific brand. It's bought directly "on the hoof" and processed the same way. How much do they use? 9 times more per day then is consumed by all our Armed Forces in the entire world.