A small banana smoothie from McDonalds has 210 calories. The large smoothie has 330 calories with 70 grams of sugar. Smoothies may be one treat consumers need to be careful with.
McDonalds says that their smoothies are made with real fruit, and in fact, they are. However, the high sugar content comes from the natural sugars already present in the natural fruit in combination with additional sugars added by McDonalds.
The bottom line is that McDonald’s fruit smoothies are loaded in sugar, and sugar equals calories. The large banana smoothie has more calories in it than a McDonald’s cheeseburger, so for this reason it is not a good idea to have a fruit smoothie with your quarter-pounder meal.
Fruit smoothies on their own do not have enough nutritional value, such as protein, to be used as a meal. However, they are not the worst thing on the menu. A McDonalds strawberry shake has 570 calories, of which 17 grams of that are fat.
The ultimate culprit is McDonald’s 32 oz triple thick chocolate shake. This shake consists of 1,160 calories and 27 grams of fat, as well as 168 grams of sugar. For the sake of comparison, this one shake is the equivalent of eating 13 McDonlad’s baked hot apple pies.
McDonalds does have a website where consumers can check out the nutritional food value of all their meals. It is at nurtirion.mcdonalds.com.