How should beaten eggs be added to a hot mixture? Explain why?


2 Answers

Arianna Vaccaro Profile
Arianna Vaccaro answered
When adding beaten eggs to a hot mixture there are a few tips you must follow. It is impossible to get a nice smooth mixture if you just throw the eggs in with the mixture as simply adding them may mean the eggs will start to coagulate too soon and this may lead to some lumps forming. This process of adding eggs to a hot mixture is also known as tempering.

Follow these steps to get a lump free mixture:

  • First up, please do not add the eggs into a hot mixture. Even if you do this slowly, there is a strong chance of lumps forming.
  • Beat the eggs in a bowl, keeping the hot mixture separate in another bowl. After beating them, leave them for a minute or two just to rest but don't leave them in the fridge or anything as they would then be too cold.
  • Grab a whisk and you are ready for the next step.
  • Stir a small amount of the hot mixture into the beaten eggs and whisk quickly. What you are trying to do at this stage is warm up the yolks of the eggs to the same temperature of the hot mixture.
  • Check if the temperature of both the eggs and the hot mixture is more of less the same by sticking your finger in and testing. Once you are happy with the temperature, you will be able to pour in the rest of the hot mixture. Or if you prefer, you can pour the eggs into the rest of the hot mixture.
  • Keep whisking until you have a smooth and even mixture.

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