Are cherries bad for you? ('you' as in general)


2 Answers

Ebony Nash Profile
Ebony Nash answered
If you are looking to decide whether or not cherries are bad for you, you may wish to weigh up the pros and cons of eating them. Cherries can be a good part of a balanced diet, sometimes eaten alone and sometimes also eaten on the top of cherry bake wells in the form of glace cherries. Here are some pros and cons of eating cherries:

  • Pros of eating cherries

Eating your five a day can be very beneficial to your diet. Cherries are included in the five a day count, usually needing about a handful's worth to be classed as one of the five. It is said that by eating said five a day, you can live a longer, healthier life with more energy, hence this being a huge positive for eating cherries.

Cherries also taste nice to most people and have a slightly tangy sweet taste. They are also very versatile like most fruits, meaning that they can be eaten in cakes, jam forms and even in bread. This allows you to try all sorts of different foods with your cherries, to add to your balanced diet.

  • Cons of eating cherries

If you are thinking of letting your young child eat cherries, you may wish to remove the stone from them first. Cherries contain a rather large stone in their centre which young children or people who aren't aware of the stone can choke on. Therefore, you should always opt to remove the stone by cutting into the cherry's flesh, before offering it to a young child.

  • Allergies

As with many food types, some people can be allergic to cherries. If you are then you may experience some incredibly negative side effects such as rashes and bloating of the skin. If this happens, you should really visit your local hospital straight away and avoid eating cherries in the future. It is incredibly rare to be allergic to something like cherries though, so don't avoid them for that reason alone.

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