I am of Irish descent, and corned beef and cabbage is an all time favorite recipe that we like to eat on New Years and St. Patricks Day, We buy the corned beef already 'corned' or seasoned, with another pack of seasoning that comes in with the 'brisket' in the package. We get a nicely marbled or lean [whichever you prefer] brisket that does come in a thick plastic bag that holds in the pickling juices. We put it in a large pot, bring it almost to a boil and just 'simmer' never boiling the meat to keep it nice and tender. We cook it the amt. Of time recommended on the package with the [extra seasoning put in at the appropriate time]. Instructions usually come with the pack or ask the butcher. After it has simmered for a few hours you add the spuds, and carrots and possible celery if you like. Remove the herb package before serving. Serve it with Irish soda bread on the side, oh and about one or 1 &1/2 hrs before serving add a whole cabbage quartered. The meat will be lean tender and tasty, the cabbage and vegetables too. When looking for corned beef in the Supermarket if you are unsure, ask your butcher.