I Have Started Making Moonshine, And I Want To Flavor It With Peaches. How Do I Do That?


2 Answers

Oscar De La Huerte Profile
Moonshine is a type of liquor usually made in unlicensed or illicit stills. It is mainly known for its potentially-lethal proof (sometimes up to 95% alcohol) and, perhaps because of this, is widely regarded as not tasting all that great either.

So making moonshine taste of peach might not be a bad idea! Here's a couple of ways you could go about giving your moonshine a peachy twist:

How to make some peach-flavored moonshine

The most obvious idea would be to 'macerate' some peaches in your moonshine. (The term 'maceration' refers to placing fruit in a container full of liquid and allowing the fruit to absorb the liquid over time till the mix becomes a thick, jam-like substance.)

Starting with your moonshine, the process is then as simple as filling a jar with peeled peaches and moonshine and allowing the two ingredients a few days to get acquainted.

Because of its relatively-meek flavour, unadulterated peaches may struggle to come out against the strong taste of the moonshine, though - so you might want to add some extra herbs or sweeteners into your jar as well. Ideas include:
  • Citrus zest
  • Honey, maple syrup or agave syrup
  • Ginger
  • Vanilla
  • Almond
Tips for making moonshine peachy

Before you head back to the shed with your peaches, here are some additional tips you may want to bear in mind when making your moonshine:
  • Adding a generous amount of peach schnapps to the mix might help. This will also provide an additional source of alcohol.
  • Peach juice may also speed the process up a bit.
  • It's important to gauge how strong your moonshine is before you put any additional ingredients in. As well as determining whether drinking it will make you blind, this will also tell you whether you need to refrigerate the mix. Moonshine with a high alcohol content will stop peaches from turning rotten, but low-alcohol moonshine (less than 20% abv) will probably result in moldy peaches. Yuck!
Lynne Dwyer Profile
Lynne Dwyer answered
Any time you ferment with fruit do it in glass jars that can be sealed tightly. Move around once in a while. Strain through a cheesecloth. Remember that you have to have a purpose for the fruit once you're done.

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