If you're looking for the amount of calories you yourself should be taking each day, that is going to be a different number than the average depending on how much you weigh.
The average though is going to be 2,200 - 3,000 calories/day.
The way you find out what it is for you is to take your current weight in lbs and multiply that by 15.
so a 200 pound man would be 200 x 15 = 3,000 calories/day.
A 150 pound man would be 150 x 15 = 2,250 calories/day
This would allow each man to maintain their current weight without gaining or losing.
If either man were to eat 500 calories over this amount, they would gain 1 pound/week.
If either man were to eat 500 calories below this amount, they would lose 1 pound/week.
If you want to setup an effective weight loss diet for yourself, you can find out more about all this here.
The answer to this one is; what TYPE of calories does the average male or female need. Here is what I mean; a gallon of sweetened ice tea has 800 calories. If I drink 2 gallons of ice tea each day, I have gotten 1,600 calories in my daily food intake; but let's face it, after a few days, I will get really sick! If you needs to know about your calories intake by your current weight then there are a Weight Loss Calculator from which you got helped.
Ice tea CALORIES are useless calories. Our bodies need certain specific calories to function.
My daily food intake, if I count calories ONLY, is BELOW what I should take to live. I eat every 3 hours, starting with an apple, ending at the end of the day with a small can of green beans.
Everything I eat digests VERY SLOWLY, so my body gets the calories it needs all day, just not QUANTITY of calories.
When you eat slow digesting foods, you are never hungry. When you try to eat a large meal, you get ill. Your body can no longer handle digesting big meals.
Hope this helps.
Depends on how physical you are.
If you are a couch potatoe- not many.
To find out what is a males best general calorie intake you'd need to talk to a doctor or someone who can examine the male physical before recommending anything.
There are several calorie calculators online that will take an extremely general guesstimate but I wouldn't call them reliable and there isn't a general answer for everyone.