
How Many Calories Should A 11 Year Old Girl Take In Per Day?


10 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I hate too say that all those answers are wrong. An 11 year old girl is still growing, obviously. The amount of calories depends on how active the girl is. For example if the girl is a couch potato, she wouldnt be burning off calories playing. But for an active 11 year old girl, she needs fat, calories and nutrients to help her grow and some too burn off playing. Health agencies,departments, scientists and dermatologists have done studies for the average semi-active 9-13 year old girl and they all say around 2,200 calories a day. I say a little less because you get kind of fat eating that much. I think, after all my research, about 1,600-2,000 depending on the girls height, activities and stress.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Around 2000 calories.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I would say around 2,000 calories because she is still growing and you have to know her height and weight and that is what I take I am 11 and I am very active I'm in Acro-roping and badminton
and joined the soccer team and played four games in a row!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think a 80lb 11 year old girl should take in about 1,400 calories a day. If they do not exersice at all, maybe 1,100, but a extremely active girl should eat 1,600 thru 1,800 a day. I hope this helped you!!!
I am 11 years old today!! I eat 1,300 calories a day.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well, there's such a "fantastic" question! I'm very sad to hear that maybe, just maybe someone is a little... I don't know...OVERWEIGHT!! Oops did I go a little too far. Well anyway I'm underweight. I only weigh 57 pounds and well if I was a normal weight I would probably be like somewhere around 80 pounds, I would eat about 900 calories a day but since I'm underweight I only eat like lets say 300 to 400 calories a day. Maybe even less. So does that answer your question? I hope it does missy because I spent all this time for you! P.S. You owe me 40 bucks! P.S. I think I know where you live. Nah I'm just kidding! Ok bye! Ta-ta!

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