
How Much Champagne Do You Have To Drink To Get Drunk?


8 Answers

It largely depends on three things: Your weight, your experience w/drinking, and what you had to eat. I would suspect that if you are a young woman who weights about 100-120 lbs that two glasses of champagne would make you obviously drunk and four glasses would have you dancing on the table.

Go slowly and make sure you have trusted friends around you while you gain experience - they could make the difference between having a good time and being raped or arrested for DUI.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A bottle can make you tipsy - and it all depends on how much you have to eat at the same time.  Some people can get drunk on one glass if they are not used to drinking.
ronald jude Profile
ronald jude answered
It depends on the person and how much alcohol
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Also depends on if you're drinking it or pouring it into your anus
patrick mc mullan Profile
It differs from person to person. Some people have a poor tolerance of alcohol and it would only take a glass or two.
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
It just depends on how much alcohol is usually consumed by a person, if they aren't use to drinking, then it won't take a whole bottle, and if a person is use to drinking, then it might take the whole bottle or more. Hope this helps.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It depends. I drink moet but its not cheap, I drink a whole bottle to my self and I be drunk! I mean drunk for real, last time I drove I hit a curb and popped my tire on my 09 mustang lol
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I think it depends how much alcohol your body can take also if you have eaten before hand. If you are used to drinking in large quantities I don't think a whole bottle would be a great problem. For example it takes at least 15 bears to get me and my friends drunk or tipsy so I think I could survive a whole bottle but I would recommend that...sounds a little risky to me

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