What Are Foods That Increase Basic Metabolic Rate Or Burn Calories?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Pineapple is a good one - either the actual fruit or juice.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hot chilies (jalepeno, habanero, cayenne) will generally raise your metabolic rate for up to three hours after eating them.  Caffeine will raise your heart rate and metabolic rate (and is good to take before exercise--you won't seem to be working as hard, and you have a good chance of burning more calories with what you do).  Green tea will also increase metabolism.
Also, check out this site about how to raise your metabolism (the things here are no quick fixes):
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are no foods that raise basic metabolic rate. Some diseases like hyperthyroidism will raise basic metabolic rate, as does smoking, (poor choice). Some medications can also raise your metabolic rate. If you're looking for an easy way to lose weight there isn't one. Regular exercise is probably the only safe way to raise your basic metabolic rate. Don't believe anyone who tells you otherwise, they are probably trying to sell something.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Many people are deficient in iodine and have a lower than normal BMR. Foods with high iodine [ kelps, seaweed, some shellfish] can in some cases raise metabolism. Beware that iodine can cause problems for some people [ especially with autoimmune hypothyroidism] or at too high a dose.
Charming Gurl Profile
Charming Gurl answered
The best way to increase your metabolic rate is to decrease the amount of FAT you're carrying and replace it with muscle, which means a combination of heart-pumping aerobic activity and muscle-building weight workouts.
All information is on this site: www.heartmonitors.com
all the best..

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