Mine's is Ginger Beer .
I like 1 or 2 present fat milk or soda or water or life so be water and more!
Pepsi, and oh yeah my otis shine... Also my jungle juice!
Most red wines I am not really fussy so long as the sun is over the yardarm,before this time it has to be tea tea and more tea lol!
Well.. Probably Propel Zero Grape Or
Lowfat Chocolate Milk.. I Don't Drink Alcohol So It's Usually 1 Percent Milk Propel V8 Splash And Fusion Juices Gatorade. Bottled Water With Flavor Packets Oj Diet Nestea
Lowfat Chocolate Milk.. I Don't Drink Alcohol So It's Usually 1 Percent Milk Propel V8 Splash And Fusion Juices Gatorade. Bottled Water With Flavor Packets Oj Diet Nestea
Coca - The Nectar of the Gods - Cola.
My wife's TEA !
Dogfish Head 60 min. IPA
Dogfish Head 90 min. IPA
Dogfish Head 90 min. IPA
Mango juice, apple juice, strawberry banana smoothie, aloe vera:)
Italian soda :)
Orange juice. Don't like alcohol. Definately can't take tea without milk or sugar. Not keen on coffee but sometimes drink it.