What Vitamins Are In A Pomegranate?


7 Answers

Lily Bradic Profile
Lily Bradic answered

About The Pomegranate

The pomegranate fruit, native to Iran and the west Himalayas, is cultivated today in both the Northern and Southern hemisphere for its many perceived health benefits (including the vitamins it contains) as well as for its taste. The fleshy jewel-coloured seed casings which are removed and eaten are called ‘arils.’

Nutrition and Health Benefits

The pomegranate is considered a 'super food' due to its high levels of antioxidants (three times more than in green tea), and for its antibacterial properties. A number of researchers believe that it can help to keep some cancers and heart diseases at bay, although at present there is limited research on the subject.

Vitamins and Minerals

The fruit is particularly high in Vitamin C, which your body uses to keep cells healthy, and Vitamin K, which is needed to help blood clot and to heal wounds. Pomegranates are also a good source of fibre, which is needed to maintain a healthy digestive system and to flush toxins from the body; and they also contains essential minerals such as iron and magnesium.

If you’re looking to benefit from it, try consuming the fruit or its juice several times a week. Some people notice an improvement in their memory, concentration, skin, and overall health when eaten as part of a balanced diet.

How Do I Eat A Pomegranate?

You can separate the arils from the pulp using a knife and tapping each half, or by cutting the fruit open and subgmerging it in water (the arils will sink and the rest will float). However, this can be quite difficult and time-consuming. Drinking pomegranate juice is a much simpler alternative, and is now available in most supermarkets.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The pomegranate tree grows from five to eight metres in height; its fruit is widely cultivated throughout India, Malaya, East Indies and some parts of Africa and Asia. The pomegranate originates from Iran across to Northern India and has been cultivated since ancient times. The fruit - between the size of an orange and a grapefruit - when cut open has clusters of sacs, which can be picked out and eaten. Pomegranate juice can be made into wine and the syrup is sold as Grenadine.

Research from scientists demonstrates that the pomegranate contains very high levels of antioxidants (three times more than green tea). A single pomegranate contains 40% of an adult's daily vitamin C requirement, and the fruit is a rich source of folic acid. In human clinical trials the juice of pomegranate has been found to be effective in reducing several heart risk factors. Pomegranate has also been proved to reduce systolic blood pressure and is effective against prostrate cancer.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They have a lot of Vitamin C,but they are really popular because they have very high amounts of antioxidants that protect you from free radicals and certain cancers.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It's a good source of vitamin B (riboflavin, thiamin and niacin), vitamin C, calcium and phosphorus. Definitely a winner!.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Their are usally many sources of vitamins in that type of fruit but the most common is vitaminC vitamin A
Lisa Blade Profile
Lisa Blade answered
Is there any potassium in them

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