Yoghurt is made by adding cultures of bacteria to milk and then keeping it warm so that the milk is fermented by the bacteria to form thick yoghurt. Usually, the yoghurt is then pasteurised to kill bacteria – any contaminant bacteria that could cause the yoghurt to go off, but also the bacteria originally added to get the culture going.
If this is not done, the product is a bio-yoghurt or a live yoghurt. This still contains the bacteria that caused the lactose in the milk to ferment to produce lactic acid that set the milk into yoghurts. The production of live yoghurts is done in more controlled conditions and the bacteria are different. Many commercial yoghurts are produced with Lactobacillus bulgaricus or Streptococcus thermophilus but bio-yoghurts tend to contain Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum.
The manufacturers claim that bio-yoghurts keep the digestive system healthy. Whether this is true or not has not really been tested but live yoghurt is generally good to have if you have diarrhoea caused by a tummy upset or by taking antibiotics, as it replenishes the gut with friendly bacteria.
If this is not done, the product is a bio-yoghurt or a live yoghurt. This still contains the bacteria that caused the lactose in the milk to ferment to produce lactic acid that set the milk into yoghurts. The production of live yoghurts is done in more controlled conditions and the bacteria are different. Many commercial yoghurts are produced with Lactobacillus bulgaricus or Streptococcus thermophilus but bio-yoghurts tend to contain Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum.
The manufacturers claim that bio-yoghurts keep the digestive system healthy. Whether this is true or not has not really been tested but live yoghurt is generally good to have if you have diarrhoea caused by a tummy upset or by taking antibiotics, as it replenishes the gut with friendly bacteria.