
What Is Cheese?


10 Answers

Evelyn Vaz Profile
Evelyn Vaz answered
Cheese is a solid product that is prepared with the help of milk from cows, goats, sheep, and other mammals. It is prepared by curdling milk by using certain ingredients such as rennet (or rennet substitutes) and acidification. Cheese is produced in different ways, due to which we have over a hundred type of cheese across the globe. Cheese generally differs in terms of styles and flavours, since the milk is derived from mammals or with diverse butterfat filling, employing meticulous species of micro organisms and moulds, and unreliable length of aging and other meting out treatments. Other elements comprise of animal diet and also the flavouring agents such as herbs, spices, or wood smoke. Cheeses are served either plain or cooked as part of an assortment of dishes; most cheeses melt when frenzied.
Anime Rocks Profile
Anime Rocks answered
Cheese is a solid dairy product that comes from all sorts of mammals. Cheese is one of the most dairy products that gets mouldy easily and sometimes evolves green spots. It can be used it dietry products like some salads and sandwiches. You may put it in the fridge as that is where it is stored. It can be used for pasta and also there are swiss cheese wich are two favourite I have kept in my fridge.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A dairy product
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It is a type o food that is usually white or yellow. It comes form milk and it!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It is a product made from a mammal like a cow its also, described as a mold because it is aged. There are many types of cheeses.
Penny Kay Profile
Penny Kay answered
Cheese is a food product made from a mammals milk. It is injected with an enzyme from the stomach of the animal the milk comes from. This 'ferments' the cheese so that it turns into a solid which keeps longer without rotting. It is an early form of food preservative. I like most types of cheese.

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