I like them both and I'm with the majority here, I like it ice cold. Some day I'll tell you a story about chocolate milk. I embarrassed my grandmother really good with this one. Peace
Screw that - A REAL homemade (MILK!!! Not that ice milk crap!) Chocolate Shake!!!! Reg. Vitamin D Milk ice cold is great too. Chocolate milk is even better then regular but I like mine from a Brown cow ;)
I am a milk drinker and like to drink plain milk with cookies brownies or cake and poptarts.. But I prefer chocolate milk for just plain drinking. Or I love the caramel flavored milk mix- soooo good...And I LOVE egg nog- could drink the whole carton all at once>
Just milk but ICE COLD and in a tall glass.
Chocolate milk most definitely...cold & creamy
Plain for cookies, and chocolate to chug, I love it that way.
I like them both..
Plain milk is with cookies..
Chocolate milk is with nothing :)
Plain milk is with cookies..
Chocolate milk is with nothing :)

Chocolate milk. YUMMY!! I don't like the taste of plain milk usually!
White milk with Oreos or chocolate without.
Plain is healthier, but every now and then I do enjoy a glass of chocolate milk chocolate milk!
Plain real cold milk with chocolate cake and real cold chocolate milk in the middle of the night when you are thirsty and open the fridge to find CHOCOLATE milk!
Either but with a couple of cubes of ice. I know some people would say ewwwwwwwww but the colder the better.
I like chocolate milk, 1%, and REALLY cold, in a tall glass, with oreos, or chocolate chip cookies next to it!!! Lol!!!
I like Chocolate milk!
I prefer white milk. I often like to drink flavored milk, not just chocolate, but strawberry and also banana.