How Do You Make Icing Sugar?


6 Answers

Meg Hayes Profile
Meg Hayes answered
Icing sugar, often known as powdered sugar is easy to make if you don't have any. In fact, there is no need to pay a premium for it since it is quite simple to make your own and only takes a few minutes.

You will need a blender, some measuring cups and spoons, enough granulated sugar to match the icing sugar you need and some corn starch, although this is optional. The measurement should be roughly one to one with the sugar used but you should be careful to leave enough room in the blender for the sugar to whip around, if necessary do it in several batches.

Once you have measured the correct amount of sugar place it in the blender on high for a few minutes until it is as light and powdery as you need it. You can then use it immediately or store in an airtight container for future use.

You should watch out if using a plastic blender because the sugar granules can scratch and damage the sides, it would be best to use a glass blender if you can or a coffee grinder, spice mill or mini blender for small amounts.

Adding around one teaspoon of corn starch for each cup of granulated sugar will replicate what you get in a bag from the shop although it is only really added to prevent clumping while the sugar is sat in a warehouse or on the store shelf, it isn't actually necessary if you are only making a batch for immediate use.
Audrey Bunch Profile
Audrey Bunch answered
If your talking about frosting made from the white sugar you just add butter, milk, and what ever flavor.
If your trying to make the sugar, you can put the sugar in a blender until it gets the consistency of the confectioners sugar. Hope this makes sense,
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
What is the icing for? There are many different recipes

Confectioners Sugar Glaze

* 2 tablespoons hot water, or milk or light cream
* 1/4 teaspoon vanilla, lemon, or other extracts, or 1 teaspoon lemon juice or rum
* 1 cup confectioners sugar

Stir the liquid into the sugar, adding more, a few drops at a time. The icing is of the proper consistency when it coats the spoon.
Chocolate Icing

* 1 square of chocolate, unsweetened
* 6 tablespoons boiling water
* 1/3 teaspoon vanilla extract
* 1 3/4 cups confectioners sugar

Melt chocolate in top of double boiler, add boiling water and stir until smooth; add vanilla and the sugar; stir until mixture is smooth. Or dissolve 1/3 cup cocoa in boiling water. A little cinnamon may be added.
Coffee or Mocha Icing

* 3 tablespoons hot strong coffee
* 3 tablespoons dry cocoa
* 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
* 1 1/3 cups confectioners sugar

Add coffee to cocoa, stir until smooth, add vanilla and enough sugar to reach spreading consistency
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It is granulated sugar blended until it is fine. They add some corn starch to stop it sticking together if being stored. If you are making it yourself for immediate use you can leave this out.

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