
How Many Calories Do 2 Poached Eggs Have?


4 Answers

hina Profile
hina answered
Eggs are very important part of our daily food. As a child we must eat an egg per day it is very good for health. There are different ways to eat an egg i.e. You can have fried egg, poached egg, boiled egg, scrambled egg, scrambled and sweetened egg, as an omelets etc. There are thousands of dishes made by eggs. Whenever you make something out of an egg and thee is no size mentioned about the egg always remember to use large size egg in that recipe.    The shells of eggs are also used in different arts and in Asian countries where there are a lot of lizards; to get rid of them empty shell of an egg is hanged in the room with tube light, its really effective as well.    Eggs are mostly used in baking, to make icing and in other different recipes. A large sized raw egg contains 75 calories; one large sized poached egg also contains 75 calories. Fried eggs are high in cholesterol and calories there are 92 calories in a fried egg, a large hard boiled egg contains 78 calories.    If we divide a raw egg in 2 portions which are yolk and egg white, we will see a major difference of calories and cholesterol level of an egg. An egg yolk of a large egg contains 59 calories whereas the egg white contains only 17 calories.
Leigh Cush Profile
Leigh Cush answered
2 jumbo,67g@ - 200 cals
2 ex lrg,60g@ - 180 cals
2 large,53g@ - 160 cals
2 medium,48g@ - 140 cals
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

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