There is no point to store instant coffee in the refrigerator. If you bought it in a vac-bag, then it's wise to pour the coffee-grains into a fast tightening jar. If you bought it in a screw-top glass or tin, these are usually air-tight. So you are well advised to screw it tightly close after taking portions from the jar. Also make sure to take portions with a clean, dry spoon. Instant coffee grains only suffer from high humidity; it may make the grains stick together into a messy lump.
One way of producing instant coffee is to dehydrate perculated coffee. By adding water to the instant coffee, you get the ready coffee. So essentially, instant coffee is a dry product and only sensitive to humidity, apart from this, you may store it in any temperature until the date printed on the packing as end of duration date. In many cases
One way of producing instant coffee is to dehydrate perculated coffee. By adding water to the instant coffee, you get the ready coffee. So essentially, instant coffee is a dry product and only sensitive to humidity, apart from this, you may store it in any temperature until the date printed on the packing as end of duration date. In many cases