Despite being extremely low in fat, prawns are also an excellent source of protein as part of a healthily balanced diet. A typical 85g serving of prawns - just about enough for one person - contains around 80 calories (only 10% of which come from fat) but a considerable 18g of protein - almost half of your daily guideline recommendation of the cell-repairing nutrient.
Prawns may be high in cholesterol, but this isn't something to be overly worried about. Seeing as though they are so low in saturated fats, the type of cholesterol prawns are rich in is not the variety which causes fatty deposits to build up in the blood vessels. Prawns are rich in high-density lipoprotein and not low-density lipoprotein - the latter of which is the type connected with strokes and heart disease when consumed excessively. In reality, when eaten as part of a well-rounded diet, prawns are considered to have the opposite effect due to their low saturated-fat and calorie content, and can actually aid weight loss as an alternative to more fatty protein sources such as red meats like beef and lamb.
As well as the macro nutrient protein, prawns are also rich in some of the key micro nutrients that the body needs in smaller quantities to help it function to its full potential. They act as a great source of the minerals iron, niacin, phosphorous and zinc, as well as being rich in selenium and vitamin B12. They also contain large amounts of Omega 3 fatty acids, which are essential to promote a healthy heart and nervous system. These heart-healthy acids can help you defend yourself against many diseases, including those related to the circulatory system as a whole. Combined, all of these health benefits make prawns a very healthy food choice.
Prawns may be high in cholesterol, but this isn't something to be overly worried about. Seeing as though they are so low in saturated fats, the type of cholesterol prawns are rich in is not the variety which causes fatty deposits to build up in the blood vessels. Prawns are rich in high-density lipoprotein and not low-density lipoprotein - the latter of which is the type connected with strokes and heart disease when consumed excessively. In reality, when eaten as part of a well-rounded diet, prawns are considered to have the opposite effect due to their low saturated-fat and calorie content, and can actually aid weight loss as an alternative to more fatty protein sources such as red meats like beef and lamb.
As well as the macro nutrient protein, prawns are also rich in some of the key micro nutrients that the body needs in smaller quantities to help it function to its full potential. They act as a great source of the minerals iron, niacin, phosphorous and zinc, as well as being rich in selenium and vitamin B12. They also contain large amounts of Omega 3 fatty acids, which are essential to promote a healthy heart and nervous system. These heart-healthy acids can help you defend yourself against many diseases, including those related to the circulatory system as a whole. Combined, all of these health benefits make prawns a very healthy food choice.