
What Are High Fibre Foods?


15 Answers

Patricia Devereux Profile
High-fibre foods are essential for proper bowel health. They also help the body better absorb nutrients (especially iron) and can aid in weight loss. Fiber is neither digested nor absorbed, but helps the intestines to move their contents along.Food with high levels of fiber (or "bulk") are mostly plant-based: fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. It is now thought that the latter is the best source of fibre, especially bread or cereal products with bran, the hulls of grains.

Superior sources of grain fibre are barley, buckwheat, cornmeal, hominy grits, old-fashioned oats, brown rice, bulgur and cracked wheat, and rye flour.Legumes and beans are also very high in fibre, especially if bought dry and cooked yourself (versus over-processed canned types). Good beans are soy, pinto, black, garbanzo, lentils, lima, navy, and kidney. Nuts and seeds are another good fibre source, especially peanuts and almonds with their hulls.

Fruits and vegetables highest in fibre include: green beans, cabbage, broccoli, carrots potatoes (except white), celery, corn, and squash.Fruits with high fibre include: apples, apricots, berries, dates and figs, oranges, and raisins.
Amen Bukhari Profile
Amen Bukhari answered
We must add fiber rich food in our daily life. Fiber food is an important part of our healthy life and our daily fiber consumption should be 25-30 grams but peoples do not obtain satisfactory high fiber food. Deficiency of high fiber food causes constipation and poor bowel function. Green vegetables are the source of dietary fiber. For normal bowel function, increase fiber consumption in your daily life according to the list of high fiber food mention below.
Bananas, berries (Blackberries and raspberries), Beans(green beans, lima beans, broad beans, pole beans and snap beans), Bran Cereals, breads (wheat, pumpernickel and seven grain), broccoli, Brussels sprouts, dried figs, liver, fish liver oils, kidneys, butter, some margarines and spreads, full cream dairy products, Carrots and sweet potatoes, broccoli, yellow and orange vegetables, chocolate , apple, pear, dried figs, greens (beet greens, collards, kale, spinach and turnip greens), lentils, peas, sweet corns, rice, bran flakes, prunes, weetbix, oats, whole meal breads, nuts and brown rice.

If you have still problem in your bowel function then you may use fiber supplement. Rice bran and psyllium is considered the best fiber supplement and also add adequate liquids for good bowel function.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The basic food types that contain high fibre levels include fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and pulses. The amount of fibre contained in other foods such as cereal and pasta are determined by the amount of grain stripped away from the product when processed. Brown bread contains more fibre than white bread, as are wholemeal, granary and softgrain types of bread. Additionally, jacket potatoes, wholemeal based pasta, and dried fruit are excellent sources of fibre. Pulses, including lentils and beans also provide high levels of protein in addition to fibre content. For a food to be deemed as having a reasonable level of fibre, it should contain at least 3g of fibre per 100g, with high levels been denoted by at least 6g per 100g. Eating high fibre foods can protect the body against conditions such as haemorrhoids and constipation, as well as providing essential nutrition and reducing appetite. Adults should on average consume 18g of fibre a day to maintain a healthy diet, but this is relative to an individual's body type and special dietary requirements.
Girija Naiksatam Profile
Foods that are very rich in fibre are known as high fibre foods. They are extremely essential for the process of digestion as well as useful when it comes to lowering one's levels of cholesterol. Whole meal, soft grain and granary all of which are varieties of bread are very rich in fibre, potatoes with their skins, Wholegrain cereals that we consume for breakfast, whole meal pasts, brown rice, peas, beans, lentils, dried fruits and fresh fruits, nuts and seeds as well as food made from whole meal flour are very rich in fibre. It is important to note that the amount of fibre that is present in the food depends on how much of the outer layer of grain is still remaining. This is usually lost in the milling process.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The healthiest fiber foods are veggies. Too many grains and sugary fruit turn to sugar quickly in the body spiking blood sugar. Veggies are the healthiest carbohydrates and lowest in sugars.
Patricia Devereux Profile
Fibre is what our grandparents referred to as "roughage." This is food material (chiefly plant-derived) that is not completely digested and passes through the intestines and colon as bulk.
The health benefits of a high-fibre diet are well-demonstrated. Fibre is necessary to keep the intestines working properly and prevent build-up of dietary toxins. It also helps reduce harmful plaque in the bloodstream, which can lead to heart disease.
In fact, in some cultures with more-"natural" diets, diseases like colon cancer are unknown.
High-fibre foods include all fresh, unprocessed fruits and vegetables. But note: The majority of the fibre is in the foods' skins, so do not peel them. It is better to eat a baked potato's skin and throw the inside away!
Whole-grain foods also fit the bill. Brown rice and whole-wheat bread have many more times the fibre than their "white," overly processed counterparts.
To determine if a bread has a high fibre content, look at the ingredients list. If "whole wheat flour" is the first listed, it is properly whole grain.
Other high-fibre foods include beans and legumes. It is best if you buy dry beans then cook them yourself, but canned types are good, too.
Mahesh C.B Profile
Mahesh C.B answered
Vegetables contain high fiber.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you are using a high fiber diet to help with constipation, it is recommended to stay away from apples, pears, bananas, potatoes, pasta and white bread and rice. Eat all the pitted fresh fruit you like and dried fruit as well. Drink plenty of water and stay away from soda, even diet they tend to dehydrate you. And go to the metamucil search engine you can find out just what the fiber content is in the foods you like.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If one has been using a psyllium product for years, Konsyl, but was off of it for a few days because of Medical tests, then suddenly stool passing is very painful, the stool is still soft, but very large, and the doctor recommends a polyethylene glycol 3350 product, (Miralax) and/or (Glycolax) which now seems to solve the pain, can/should one return to Konsyl, or is it better to stay on Miralax?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Can you give me some example (pic) on food containing high fiber & what are the good & bad about this food?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I found these: Bran cereals, whole grain rice and pastas, raisins dried aprocots, carrots, lentils, chick peas,
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Beans, lentil soup, barley, raspberries, whole wheat breads, potatoes, butternut squash, fruits and vegetables.  Check out this article on how fiber helps to lose weight.

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